Categories: Uncategorized

by Stephanie Kocer


Categories: Uncategorized

by Stephanie Kocer


Dakota County Partners with Lyft to Help People Get to Work

After years of planning, Dakota County has started a program called Lyft Pilot, where they partner with the rideshare company to help those with disabilities get to and from work.

Individuals with disabilities can have barriers when it comes to getting to work, so Dakota County wanted to offer a way for people to travel to their jobs without having to worry about the cost or long wait times during their commute.

Through the program people are able to request rides like usually on the Lyft app. There are no special cars involved. Drivers won’t know they’re picking someone with a disability up or that the county has paid for their ride. They’re just another rider!

The county is also teaching riders to think about their safety when using Lyft for transportation, like checking a driver’s license plates before getting into their car.

This service is only offered to individuals who live in Dakota County and who are employed. If interested in the program, please contact your case manager.


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